Thursday, August 11, 2011

Two months! Say what?

So Marlow has now been in Burkina for a full two months and she says the time has flown by for her. Personally, I don't know if it feels much longer or much shorter than two months, especially when I consider that she has another 25 months to go. Very confusing. But I shall not argue with the Gregorian calendar - two months is two months.   

She's been getting my packages like clockwork. It's only taking 2-3 weeks for them to get to her, and that includes a bit of a delay from the time they get to the Peace Corps. in Ouaga to the time they drop the packages of in her town. That's pretty impressive service, I think. Of course, when you're in subSaharan Africa and you've just used the last of your barbecue sauce, 3 weeks can be a very long time to wait for its replacement. But luckily I happened to include a bottle of ketchup in a package which she got last week so she is not without an American condiment.

A couple of weekends ago I, her dad and sis got to do a video Skype with Marlow. Fantastic to see her face! She was at a training session in Banfora and got to spend a day relaxing at a hotel with a pool and wi-fi. Marlow's lost about 20 lbs but she looked great, other than the giant insect bites (I'm assuming mosquitoes) on her ankles, ugh. She showed us the landscape and we could just make out very large hills in the background and some beautiful, lush scenery. Banfora is close to where her full-time site will be come September and the area looks radically more inviting than her current host site.

Thank you Skype and the US Postal Service. Keep up the good work. We've got another 25 months to go!

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