Saturday, November 17, 2012

Burkina we come!

We're off to Burkina in December for 17 days! Hubby, Marlow's sister and I.

To say we're all excited is down-playing our emotions. Marlow is coordinating all kinds of activities for us but mostly I just so want to meet the people she has been living with. Specifically, I want to meet her host family in Sapone.

I am looking forward to the marche, the food, the people, the sights, the sounds, speaking my stumbling French. Being together as a family for Christmas under African skies. Getting to know first-hand what Marlow's daily life is all about. So much I want to take in.

We're very fortunate to be able to make this trip and it seems like the perfect timing at this stage of Marlow's service.

Getting the vaccines is the least favorite part but a small price to pay.

Burkina we come!

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